Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Pixar in Canada

As my Maya scene crashes for the umpteenth time in the day, I thought I would reflect for a moment on something that has brought me out of my Blogging shell (for today; Besides Maya being a piece of shit) and really caused a tidle wave of buzz in the industry; Pixar is setting up a small branch in British Columbia, Canada. For people in my proffession ( Animation/Animators), On origionally hearing the news, it was the equivelent of learning that Eva Mendes (or take your pick of set celebrity crush) was coming over and looking to sleep with you (I love my wife tho, but if shes into Eva, who am I to argue? ;)
It sent A lot of Animators (especially around the Toronto area) in to a tizzie. People across the industry were buzzing and I got a couple of emails the day of with " Did you hear?" and "Canada is in the game, finally". The way I felt, at that day on friday, was a renewed vigor and a lust for quality that inspired me and almost distracted my entire day (actually, I think it did). Then reality set in. I look to reasoning behind everything. There has to be reason. as far as for a company of that magnitude to come up here to the great white north (Even tho the west coast isn't all that snowy). I refer you to Mark Mayerson's Blog; More specifically his thoughts on this whole Pixar thing. His is much more elequent words than I could ever put this whole situation into.
I respect him on a great level; I had him as a teacher at Seneca Animation and could sense his frustration in dealing with the politics was liken to mine(Albeit mine was an infinatly smaller scale to what he had to put up with). Sometimes, it should be Black and white, A to B. Yet some people out there have to make it impossible. I then worked with co-workers of his from Monster by Mistake and learned more about what he not only had to go through but how he protected his crew from the constant crap that was streaming from the polotics at the top. It says alot about someone when they do that for there crew. That is a fraction of a bigger reason as to why I respect him and with his view's on Pixar, I believe he is dead on. He also paints the true culprits as to why Canada will always be liken to what some might call the "B" level team.
My personal opinion is I respect and like what I do in Toronto. I love working where I am working now and like and admire alot of my co-workers. It is not to say I do not know the reality of the situation though or that my wave is the same as others. Canada will always be a farming community (where things are farmed out too) and for the reasons outlined in Mayerson's blog, it will be impossible to change that. When I started animating in this industry, the first thing, the FIRST THING, I was told from a director whom shall remain anonymous is "Get to the states. Once you've worked there, for some odd reason, people treat you seriously in Canada." He was a well known person, especially in our circle of Animators with whom his views were respected by.
It carries weight with me and my goals are to not only be respected in my craft, but to work with some top notch talent who share an entusiasm and interest in this thing I do. It is not to say that it wouldnt keep me from coming back to Canada or to try and Make or work on a studio film in Canada, it is just that even if I had the next Incredibles, it is neither commercially viable nor feasable to get the artistic merits and budget it would deserve in Canada. Most of the time (in any commercial medium) it is only succesful if the american culture embraces it (minus shitty bands like the tradgically hip). Look at any media or News medium; we look to America to dictate our commercial and artistic successes. Be it a short film that wins an Oscar (Ryan) or any other news story that doesn't block the gardiner on a sunday afternoon. It's newsworthy and admirable if the americans make it so. The NFB can be the biggest instigator for this; Choosing only artistic films over films that can be artistic as well as commercially viable is a hugeeee problem with the NFB. They are great in the sense that they give the artist the funding to have a voice, but if it were to come to some film that would have merchandising and artistic merit to compete with a Dreamworks or Disney film behind it, I have yet to see an NFB production with such. I understand it is for the artists, but if the artists want to compete on a level and need that funding, the only place I can think of is the NFB. (Educate me if it is any different).
Such is the way of us Animators too; When I worked at 2 presidents, people always said "Thats nice". If I work at Dreamworks or ILM, people are like "holy shit" and fellow animators "take notice". I Don't know why this perception exsists. And to an extent, honestly, I don't care. It has been the way long before I came into the game and I am not one to change the course. I just know my personal philosiphies and what I want to acheive in my career. When I was a child (and well into my adulthood [shame]), I watched wrestling. I idolized people like Bret Hart and Triple H. Two quotes from both those wrestlers stuck with me to this day.
Bret: "Im not greedy for money, Im greedy for respect. "
Triple H: "Everyone gets into the game to be Heavyweight Champ. Otherwise, whats the fucking point?"
If it takes me to go down to a company like Pixar to get respect, then thats what I will do. All in all, the whole events of Pixar coming to Canada is a good thing. It creates jobs. It brings a name
of a studio to your resume. And even if it is a farming out studio, there is a certain prestige that comes with working there. Even those who are green are going to work there asses of (hell, even the experienced people will). It will push the quality bar and hopefully Canadian companies will take notice. And that kind of friendly rivalry will push not only my animation, but it may just be the bridge to work on bigger things as well ;) I am forever the optomist.......

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Proud to be

Am I not proud to be Canadian?
Funny question posed to me the other day by a co-worker; Am I not proud to be Canadian? It brought up way more questions than the one posed! Well, its kind of a loaded question. You see, if I say No, I seem like a total ingrate for carrying on in a country that has brought me up. And if I say Yes, I hide a lot of the aggravation's I have with Canada in the first place. One thing to set the record straight; Canada IS a beautiful country and I consider it my first and only home, regardless of where life does take me. My family and friends are what I have to be grateful for in this country, not what the country has given me per Se.

My aggravation's come from the politics of this country and its ever dependency on the United States to tell them what to do at every turn. Being in a full blown recession, I see family and friends fearing for there very lively hood in
every sense. The government is in a struggle to fight off a looming coup d'etat from a unified party of even bigger crooks then the ones in power, and on this cycle goes.

I don't consider myself Canadian, per SE, as I consider myself human first. I don't know that when things where being evolved in the universe there was any plan that was made by anyone to have "factions" of people and whomever faction you fall into is where your luck of the draw in life is. I understand cultures are different but there are underlying similarities in all human beings. Its amazing that, during this financial meltdown caused by an administration in the United States that lined the pocket's of all of the presidents friends, If those actions where to happen in most other countries he would of been (A) Overthrown or (B) Assassinated. And in Canada, I saw a Government that broke there own legislation and called an early election just to get a jump start on a couple of extra years in office before anyone caught wind of the recession coming. But that is the problem. In North America, specifically in Canada, we will complain quietly and let the government steal more and more of our hard earned dollars and delegate it to premiers taking vacations with there mistresses, or allocating millions of tax payers dollars to the liberals (sponsorship scandal) only to have the minister of finance whom whose ever watchful eye allowed this to happen and grant him the honor of Prime minister of Canada. I guess crime does pay after all.

I am a Dad now, and I really don't know how to explain the world to my daughter. I won't explain it as "you are Canadian so you bleed red and white" as more as "you are human, first and foremost". I am scared for her and the mess fuckhead George Bush and America has thrown onto the world. It's bleeding all over and like a Cancer; one day it will consume us. There are so many things that are "American" that have crept into Toronto and the rest of Canada that, when I was younger, wasn't even a thought (Anyone up for a shooting?) But there media and propaganda is a toxic nightmare. What to do?

Well, if you don't think outside the box, you will never get outside the box. How bout an Invasion? Ya, shits and giggles, lets go for all the way broke! We invade America, on a Tuesday, and just get our asses whooped! Naaaa, too messy. Well, how bout this proposition. How bout we try a new infrastructure? You know how, when talks of the American constitution comes up, the critics and people alike complain how outdated it is? Much like how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is updated in Canada (snicker)? Well, why not, instead of a reliance of Money, we try a reliance of reward based on a humanitarian level? Why not substitute Money for something else? In any and all problems, I challenge you to say that money isn't involved in some form or fashion. We could build a society that doesn't need to rely on colored paper. Its not perfect, nor does it have to be, but it would be a start. And maybe we could ease the greed in this world......

Post Script: I am not the answer to the question. I just hope to be the muse to the answer. I am looking for far greater minds then mine to lead the way. There out there, they are just conditioned to be scared of Emotional ridicule and verbal abuse by not only society but the Government as well; the people who are too apathetic to question why and how. Don't listen to people; Every great person in the annals of history had many idiots to overcome. The people remembered throughout time will not be measured by the people around them, but by the actions they take. Don't shit on me for saying shit about a fucking corrupt country. I refuse to eat Ottawa's bullshit and them telling me I am wrong for questioning there means. We pay there ticket; No matter what country your in, your tax money pays the Governments fucking bills. Make your Government aware of that. If nobodies working for you, get a new fucking leader! Stop the apathy, start making things better for you and the next generation.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A must see.....

A short little comment about something that almost made me cry because I found it so shocking/ fuckin halarious. Like most, I was in denial about the new Indiana Jones flick over the fact that they actually went "there" with most of the outlandishness. I had heard through the grapevine about a new southpark episode addressing the new Indiana Jones flick and went on the hunt to find it on the internet. The overall episode is pretty good, but the Indiana Jones parts are stuff of legend. I STRONGLY ADVISE you to check out the following link:


Thats just a little taste of what I found to be the funniest shit I have seen in a long time. In case your wondering, this episode is from the new season and I believe its called "the china syndrome" or "china problem". If you need to track it down, go to surf the channel.com and look under tv shows; follow the links and bingo. Lucas face at the tail end of the pinball machine part alone is worth the admission.

Again, the Indiana Jones bits; priceless!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Dark Knight Review

Heath Ledger as Joker; See you at the oscars

I can't believe I took this long to write a review for the Dark Knight. Well, to say it nicely, it sucked. Haha Just kidding! I haven't been this captivated by a movie in a long time. It really was THE movie of the summer for me and I couldn't absorb everything it had to give the first time because of the intensity. I was litterally captivated, enthralled, taken away from my seat in the theatre and put on another planet. It was an experience, to say the least. First off, lets get it out of the way. Heath Ledger was amazing. The hype of his death I am sure didn't hurt this film, but regardless it can stand on its merrit of his excellent performance. He was the appitomy of insanity and it was fun watching two people on the same wave duke it out (that being Batman and Joker, of course ;). With that out of the way....... the other performances were terrific

Bale was amazing as usual, although his snarl as Batman still brings on the laughs of many (I understand why he does it, but he should tone it down as it borders on halarious. He got it just right in the interrigation scene with the joker tho). The rest of the cast was a great mix of well rounded talent that let the two stars shine and complimented the film without standing out and staining it with a bad performance (no small feat with the ensemble around the stars). Chris Nolan is a genious in every sense. Alot of the camera moves he does can be questioned by the purists (was that a jump cut?!!!), but his style and the way he draws you into the plot and makes you care about his characters overwrites any mistakes he does make. He truly will be our generations Steven Spielberg (Generation Y is what Im guessing there on now).

And as for the movie overall? Amazing, to say the least. I was on the edge of my seat, literally, for a quarter of the movie. I couldn't absorb it all. When they blew up the tumbler and it turned into the pod; Jesus F'n A. The kid in me cried, it was so beautiful. The intensity and spark between those two (Joker and Batman) was right where it should of been. The soundtrack was another perfect accesorie to an already tip top machine. It complimented and exuded emotion at all the intragal spots and never took away from the movie. To all involved with the movie; Bravo. As of this writing, you are deservedly the number 2 all time grossing movie. And as you should be. I have seen this movie multiple times and cannot wait till December 9th for the Blu ray edition! Film makers, take note. This is how it should be done.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

R.I.P. Stan Winston

Dam. We truly Lost a pioneer on Sunday. In the same Vein as Jim Henson, Stan Winston was not only a Master, but a true innovater and pioneer in the film community. I really have disbelief sometimes to believe that the same guy who did pumpkinhead is also responsible for the creation of the animatronic Dinasours from Jurrasic Park and those amazing effects from Terminator series; as well as countless designs from a plethora of movies that we grew up and cheerished in our life (the fukn Predator!). Alot of people over look the contributions that the artists give to the film, for without them, the films would be lifeless and bland. It wouldnt have that magic; that passion that is brought forth from people such as Stan. His studio was the standard and they kept innovating. He always seemed to have a child like, inspirational approach to everything that he did and created. I always likened him to Henson, in the way that the plausable was possible. This generation should take note; Look at his contributions and follow the example set by this truly great pioneer. Fuck the wave; Be innovative. Create the impossible and make it enjoyable. R.I.P Stan Winston. Another great gone.........

Friday, May 23, 2008

Indy 4

Yep, Im goin there. First off, this was supposed to be the movie to kick off the summer blockbuster season for me, as I had NO intention to see Iron Man. Well, I had some time with my brother and he wanted to see it. So, I went to see Iron Man and Im glad I did. It was great. Not like Oscar worthy great (although the effects may be) but just a good, fun film and Robert Downey Jr was fantastic as Tony Stark. It just worked. So go see it! That is the film that kicked off the summer for me then, and I went to go see Indy on thursday when it opened. So, Spoiler alert; Here goes the review.........
Umm, Overall, Its Ok. Bottom line. There are some moments that are absoulutly gold; Just pure Indy magic Incarnate. The Ark Cameo; When Karen Allen as Marion comes back in, they atomatically start up and Its like old times. Also, when he has to pull out of quicksand with a snake, that was really fun. I also didnt even mind the Sci-Fi theme, even tho I missed the mythical, Godly angle. I just dont think "aliens" and "archeology" in the same sentence,but hey, its all good and good to go along for the ride. But there are Things that are truly terrible. The obvious; Shia Lebouf swinging with chimps on vines was just so stupid and laughable that you had to wonder if they all did PCP to live out the "old days" and ignored that day of shooting. And the sheer amount of CGI; especially shot with old stock it really looks fake. Shot in digital, I do understand that its tailor made for CGI but shot on old grain it looks really, REALLY bad. The lighting was all weird; It had that illuminesant glow through the whole movie; ala the end of last crusade when he met the mythical knight. I thought that blooming was supposed to be for things like that; Not an entire film. Very few shots in the movie had crispness to it and it was just weird to see it overused like that. Im thinkin it was used so much to cover up the cgi and make it blend in better. Shia I could take or leave; No where near the chemistry (though I understand why) that Indy had with his dad, although there was a great moment at the end when he grabs the hat and Indy snatches it. I just thought for the most part he was just put in at the last minute. It could of definatly been fleshed out better. Cate Blanchett; Not really the formidable Foe I wished for. I miss the Nazis to be truthful. And they were always the ultimate Villan. The russians are good, but I dont like how they were fleshed out as villians either. The standard traitor is in there, but he flips like crazy and really his death at the end was tacked on. I would of loved to see him get the boot from a trap of some sort.
I did love seeing Indy back in action tho. He is REALLY old in this film; even the delivery of his lines and how long it takes him to deliver anger and stuff; Its like he has to rev up for everything. It was all so slow. Such is life when you get older tho,huh? Things slow down. He was fine and it got really good when Marion came back in the picture. I gotta say too; I miss Marcus and Indy's father. I understand killing them off; I just wish they couldve got sean connery back for a cameo or something instead of killing him off. Obviously, with Marcus, the actor died so that made sense. It just seems like so much time has passed since (and it has). Its deppresing in some regards cause it just makes you realize youve aged so much and your not a kid. Overall, there were alot of moments I couldve lived with out. I thought alot of the "feeling" of the previous 3 were gone from this one; I cant put my finger on it but with all those people not on this film (the old cinematographer, lighter etc.) it really makes a diffrence. Alot like Lucas comin back to starwars; it didnt have the feel 20 years later. But what can one excpect? I love Indy; I will overlook the shortcomings and I will get this on DVD. Oh, and if the rumors from reports I read of Indy 5 havin Shia Lebouf star and Harrison has a small cameo are true, I am personally denouncing Lucas.

Starz Night

As I have finished my first contract and I am on the "hunt" again for work, I have nothing but fond memories for my first "gig". It was really one in a million and I made some great friends. The comradery among us was really special and I have nothing but the highest regards for my colleauges.

Now, as part of my ongoing pursuit for the next contract, I have been attending functions and parties and get togethers and such, but mostly I love seeing friends that I havent seen for a bit and seeing people I went to school with. It really is fun to be around like minded people who just care about creativity and are generally good human beings to be around. So, I ended up going to a "sware" for Starz Animation, through word of a friend. I thought "cool; drop the demo off, have a drink and just chill with friends" Which is pretty much what I did. But I got to meet two really nice people who left a genuinly positive impression. First was the president of Starz, Dave Steinberg. He was so cool about things; totally down to earth and really made everyone feel wanted and appreciated. You could joke with him and he was reciprocal. He generally had a good demeanor and just really was pleasent to be around. He was interested in meeting us and the feeling was mutual.

The other person I met was the director of Starz upcoming film "Nine", Shane Acker. He was just gold. Honestly, I didnt know what to excpect but he was really approachable and I actually got some one on one time with him for quite a while. During that time, I got to pick his brain on a number of things and he was more than happy to offer advice and talk about his previous experiences. He honestly was just a great person and really offered some solid advice about the industry in general, as well as film making and the process of getting it to the public. I really had a great experience talking with Shane and I wish him and his film all the best.

All in all, the Starz shindig was really fun and I just love this part of the industry; the innocence and just generally meeting great people. Hope all ya out there get to experience similar things!